So I decided to start one of these. I’ve come to realize that I: (a) consistently forget stories while talking on the phone and (b) have not written much of anything in far too long. This will be a bit of project at first, getting back into practice for writing as well as constantly tinkering with the blog as a whole as I figure out how to use tumblr and not make this look like a mess. No guarantees on either count, but we’ll see how it goes.
As of yet I don’t really know what this will be about. Mostly stories and events that I’ve forgotten to mention, but I’m sure it will find its own shape as we go along. I welcome any comments and additions, which takes us to the title of this fledgling blog.
Though this may be hard to believe, I was once a very successful comedian. I would wow them across the nation, although my audience and stage would be the same for each performance. Road trip after road trip I would gather my expansive material and let it roll.
“Why did Dracula cross the road?”
cue enthusiastic audience participation
“Tell us why Mike! We cannot fathom why he would do such a thing!”
“Because of Frankenstein!”
I was a boy wonder. Could not be stopped. I would rattle off maybe ten of these in a row before I had to stop and let my audience recover.
But time has rolled on and I was quite young during these magical years. My memory gets a bit hazy so I must put it to my captive audience to share some of their grand experiences of this time. Comments and additions ladies and gentlemen. Audience participation has long been a keystone in my act.
So welcome one and all. I can’t promise any gems like this blog’s namesake, but I will do my darndest to recapture that old magic.