A while back I was talking to Jacob Hines and Sean Woitas, and we got around to some of the things that have drastically changed in our life times. I mean, I'm 24 and I already have some of those stories backlogged that the telling to any future kids would inevitably result in them staring at me in disbelief. And these events are from not that long ago. We talked about cell phones. The first cell phone I ever carried was my Mom's and it looked a lot like this:

It was the size of a brick and there was no way that thing was going in your pocket. You had to pull up the antenna to make a call. Do you see that "screen"? Look at it again. It doesn't even have room for an area code. Even to me that relic looks ridiculous. That was just 10 years ago. Nowadays my phone could probably make me pancakes.
You know what really got me down though? I am apparently out of touch with candy. Candy! We went to the corner store to pick up some movie candy and I was thrown off balance by the sheer volume of candy and flavors that I had never heard of before. Starburst sharesize, Sweet Fiesta, Skittles Blenders, Twix Coconut. I have never before in my life felt disoriented in a candy aisle.
This cannot stand! I will regain my candy fitness. Which will be difficult as I work on my actual fitness as well. Geez. Candy used to come naturally.
Excuse me, but I have some serious research to do.
When the phone kept doing more and more and eventually morphed into the IPAD, I realized that technology is nuts. The original IPAD didn't make phone calls. So phones got better and better until they didn't make phone calls. But I'm with you, Mike. When they start to screw around with candy, they've crossed the line.
ReplyDeleteI loved that phone. It felt super ninja to use, like having your very own turtlecom.
ReplyDeleteI think Dad and I have come down pretty firm as far as coconut anything goes, but just for the record: we're against it.
What a horrible horrible thing to do to Twix.