We are finally hitting some good weather these days. Today was a joyous 68* with more sun than you could shake a stick at, if you were into that kind of thing. So here we have the three major views from our rooftop patio, which is where you live the life.
This is looking due west up at Nob Hill. Fancypants places nobbing it up on their fancy hill.
Finally we are looking a little east, but mostly due south. If you look closely you can see where Benton Fraser first followed the trail of his father's killers. For various reasons, he stayed. You can also see a bit of the downtown skyline, which is probably a bit more interesting at night.
The one incredible downside, though, is that there is no grilling allowed. This is severe disappointment, but we must carry on.
This week we shall see some very silly cupcakes, a little bit more of downtown Portland, and finally some Mt Hood. Tammy found a pretty sweet little bridge with a great view of the city and for the first time in decades, a clear view of Mt Hood.
Enjoy your Easter everybody!
Took some help to get to this, but Benton Fraser is the main character in "Due South". Benton and his deaf, lipreading (both English and Iniktut) wolf solve crimes while he is on loan to the US from the Canadian Mounted Polica. A great show - Netflix it.