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Back in Business
For this last one, the three would hit sticks together in a way that sort of passed it along to the left, if that makes any sense, and then they would break apart into some skipping and steps.
Chronotons and Graviolies
4square And Brazilian BBQ
Thanks for a great Saturday are in order for Cassio and Ahren. Cass threw a fantastic bbq of Brazilian goodness. Plates were passed around pretty much non-stop of crazy good meats, the best of which was the picanha. There were also some amazing breads and fried rice balls. It was good to be out in a backyard grilling, sitting in the sun. Felt like summer was back.
After this it was up to the NE to Ahren and Megan's for a 4square party. It was rough going at first, but we soon regained our childhood form and laid down some sweet moves. It's really tough to make up rules nowadays. If you don't remember, whoever is in the King Square gets to make up a set of rules to play by until they're knocked out, and I seem to remember it being way easier to invent good rules when I was a kid. Maybe we just had no idea of what good rules were and said whatever came to mind. I don't know. Anyway, we played a bunch of 4square and it was great.
Happy that soccer has led to meeting a great group of people. After a couple false starts with some less fun groups, this has been much better. To finish off the night we came back here for dinner and then watched half of Coraline. Tammy didn't quite make it through before falling asleep, so we had to call intermission.
But way to go world. That was a great Saturday.
A Moral of Note
NBA Playoffs
It's getting easier to feel old

Sunny Portland
Some Hippos
Let me hear you say Rooftop Access!
Welcome to the show Pokey

Portland's very own Godzilla
Life is Bananas
- I have a job
- I have my own company?
- We quite nearly have a car
- The Bulls are great, or should I say Los Bulls
- We tried to buy some plants for the apartment and the lady at the garden store said no
Cannon Beach
Ice Cream Cake
A few pictures ago
Nate Nate
Multnomah Falls
Tammy's fancy new hair
Back to business
We have domesticated the fox!

Sign People

Marshmallow times
Hurry, we are running out of time!

I miss this game. A completely unique game in my childhood. The countdown, taunting, and possibility of all players losing made this seem a mad rush to save something. Like a space station I think. As a little kid this was both nerve-wracking games (by the way, I had to look up wracking or racking, apparently they both work and I'll pick the one worth more in Scrabble) and exhilarating. You really felt like you saved the day AND you got to stick it to a smug little computer virus.
I always wondered if my parents hated some of these games. I mean, it was no Snail's Pace Race, which in retrospect is somehow less exciting than it sounds, but still as a little kid you can hear that computer voice yelling its catchphrases all day. So speak up out there, fond memories or horrible nightmares?
Black Bear
Said Cupcakes
I'm terribly sorry
Welcome welcome
Bulls v Blazers
Last night we went out to the Bulls game at the Rose Garden compliments of my parents. Game was pretty fun, lost by a bit, but some great plays to see. The Rose Garden was pretty enjoyable, great atmosphere, but I will say pretty miserable food. Next time we go we’ll have to rely a bit more on Dibs and soft-serve.
We have a few notes for everyone out there:
Whenever Rudy Fernandez was taking free throws, a Bulls fan behind us would yell “soccer player!” Not sure why. The best we can figure is that in the program handed out at the doors it had an interview with Rudy and they asked what other sports he liked. He answered soccer and tennis.
There was a dad in front of us and he was fist-pumping and air-punching up a storm. Some incredibly ridiculous moves.
On the jumbotron, they showed a probably 12 year old kid wearing a Bulls jersey, who immediately responded with what would have been a motion with one hand underlining the Bulls on the front of his jersey. However, he did it much too high, so it looked more like a motion conveying the message of ‘we will serve your head on a platter.’ Creepily hilarious.
If you renew your season tickets before March 1st, you will get a Wesley Matthews “3-goggle” bobblehead. This is when you basically make the OK sign with each hand and hold them up to your eyes with the other three fingers pointing out.
I am definitely getting tired of the accopella trend. Every college now has one and you have to see them everywhere. They did both the national anthem and the halftime show. Most of these groups buy their arrangements and so most of the time you hear the same four songs as before. I’m tired of seeing a new group do the same songs in the same way. It really irritates me.
And that’s the news. Lots of fun, bunch of people out in colors and jerseys, and definitely a lively crowd. Sadly, I didn’t have my camera with me. We’ll just have to do it again to get some pictures.
We are Post-Move! Sunday we dropped off our keys to the old place and we have everything in our new place, although we are still days away from getting everything unpacked and put away.
Honestly, this was one of the easiest moves I’ve been a part of. This is a bit of a surprise since this was to be a move that included only three people, six flights of stairs, no parking and narrow streets for a uhaul, and a shortage of boxes. HOWEVER, we are pretty much the best. By that I mean we were undoubtedly lucky. We only needed two trips with the truck and everything but the mattress and box spring fit in the tiny elevator. Amazing news. Couch, shockingly heavy and razor-edged entertainment stand, dressers, all were wedged into that elevator after much twisting and spinning.
Most of the cussing out the sky came on Sunday. Cleaning the old apartment went well enough, and shopping was fine, but took forever. We were the most tired upon our return, but I still needed to run the bikes over from the old apartment, which took several trips as I forgot the keys to the bike locks like a champ.
Anyway, the new place is getting pretty high marks so far. We are still trying to find a good solution for bike storage, but other than that things are going well. The kitchen is like an actual kitchen, water pressure is good, the amount of space feels amazing, and we get natural light. Who’d a thought that would be a plus?
There will be more words soon, but this is a start and I have been hungry pretty much nonstop since the move. Don’t really know why, but there you go. So I’m off to second breakfast. Back shortly.
So I recently got into a pretty big soccer phase. Not that I’m playing, which is probably the basis for all of this, but I’m reading and watching much more than usual. I just finished Seeing Red by Graham Poll and am currently working through the veritable tome called The Ball is Round.
The former is a memoir/autobiography of sorts by the recently retired English referee who famously awarded three yellow cards before sending a player off in the 2006 World Cup. It deals with this along with much of his career in England and Europe, the players he met, the coaches he dealt with, and so on. Pretty interesting. Since we’re all over here and not there, and it’s pretty tough to get any sort of consistent coverage on European soccer, I don’t really know much about the personalities of the clubs and players. I’ve seen most of them play, but don’t really know much else. As a comparison, I know that Ron Artest sometimes drives his kids to school in an Indy car, that Pablo Sandoval’s nickname is Kung Fu Panda, and that Kevin Garnett is insane about peanut butter and jelly man.
The latter book is one of the major histories of the sport. I just now got into the 1900s in England and Scotland. The last chapter has been about the professionalization of soccer, the Irish Question, and the labor struggles of the emerging working class. I’m about 8 chapters in, which Kindle tells me is about 7%. Long, long way to go.
Besides all that, I’ve been digging deeper into Aston Villa (the English team I’ve been doing my best to follow the last four years), trying to get into the Spanish league with Villareal, and watching clips from the last World Cup on youtube. Seriously, how unreal was Donovan?
A few important notes:
-First of the English league will from here out be referred to as the EPL.
-The EPL uses a relegation system which is eminently entertaining. The three worst teams in the league get dropped down to what is essentially the minor league and the top three of those teams are bumped up. Would add a little more urgency to some of the owners here when they realized how much less money the Timberwolves would be making if they got dropped to the D-League.
-It’s interesting that timekeeping in soccer is basically a secret. The major US sports all have scoreboards with clocks. Soccer has only the referees watch to go by.
-The book I’m reading points out something pretty interesting, “The rarity of not only goals, but clear scoring opportunities, is anathema not merely because it appears, at first sight, tedious, but more profoundly because it allocates such a large role to chance in determining the outcome of the game. The enormous number of scoring chances in basketball and the immense length of the baseball season are two devices that ensure, over both individual games and entire seasons, that luck evens out and other factors prevail.” I do enjoy this.
-In fact, one of the biggest arguments I hear for March Madness fits the same idea. Since it’s a one and done tournament rather than best of seven series, you get upsets and upsets are exciting.
-Some day I will not only get cable, but cable that includes the EPL. It is super frustrating to be this excited about a league you can’t really follow.
Anyway, I need to start playing again. I think that’s the moral here. I’ll do my best to keep it limited, but I’ve been pretty starved to talk to somebody about soccer and I may end up posting more things that are basically just for me.
Sorry for the rambling.
One More Week
Just one more week before our move to a bigger and better place. One more week of taking stuff over to the Good Will, one more week of leaving furniture in front of the building, and just one more week of living in our fortress made of boxes. It is insane realizing how much stuff you own when you try to pack it all up. It’s not like we’re pack rats, and we haven’t had all that much time together to accumulate, but we still have a bunch of junk. It just expands and fills whatever extra space you have.
Anyway, we start Saturday morning and it will probably take several years to complete. Then it will be a newer and bigger fortress made of boxes for a while until we actually get everything unpacked.
Oh, and don’t you worry about any of this. We are doing things in an intelligent and orderly fashion to minimize work. None of our boxes are labeled, there is some definite mixing of rooms with some pans going in the same box as the dvds and there are some books in pretty much every box so far.
As for the move itself, there is an elevator in the new place, which is great news. However, some things are not going to fit in said elevator. Mattress, box springs, couch. These things will be going up stairs to the sixth floor. Wooooo.
So there will be plenty of pictures of cussing, laying on the ground, and maybe even one of me on my knees screaming “why?!” to a gray and pitiless sky. We shall see.
Regardless, it’ll be good times and I’ll keep you posted.
Fancy Foods Week
Some important disclaimers: (1) it is hardly a week when truthfully I am only doing two days of fancy foods, and (2) they are hardly fancy foods.
Nonetheless! We have approached this week with gusto and grocery shopping and decided on two new recipes to try. Yankee Pot Roast Stew and Orange Chicken in Pasta. Oh, and maybe some beer bread later on.
Yankee Pot Roast Stew was a successful venture on Tuesday and one that will be repeated. We haven’t done much so far in terms of soups or stews and this one was a long time coming to beat back the winter weather (not our winter of course, but boy it sure was a cold week in the midwest. Don’t know how we survived!). It was a pretty simple recipe, but it was my first ever 2+ hour cooking experience.
Some facts about myself as a cook:
-I am terrible at planning ahead. I’ve been quick enough about everything that this has never really hurt any of the meals I’ve cooked, but it does make it more stressful. I like to start the first step before preparing ingredients for the later ones. So for this stew, I had three minutes of cooking time in which to chop an onion, cube some beef, and find the spices I needed.
-I tend to be intuitive in my cooking. I don’t measure carefully and after I learn a recipe I measure less and less while just throwing in what I feel would be the right amounts. Again, this has surprisingly failed to blow up in my face. Even though I don’t have a ton of experience cooking and don’t understand how flavors work together, I can only remember one or two dishes that turned out badly, and those were more cases of cooking things incorrectly or letting something go too long.
-Truthfully, this matches how I write pretty accurately. Not that I write haphazardly or without proper support, but I do generally start writing and build my papers out from wherever I happen to start. I don’t know how writing has always been my strong point in school.
-Similarly, I have no idea why I’m not a terrible cook.
As for Orange Chicken and Pasta, that is on the docket for tomorrow and I will be sure to pass on any cooking fiascos that prove the above points false.
Good luck to any other fancy food weeks out there!
I think we have reached the end of our Christmas decorations. There was talk of snowflakes and a few other things, but I’m pretty sure we have exhausted our creative spark with construction paper this year. Our first tree did not last long and was pretty weird, but kinda great. Started our decorations off with some class to be sure.
Since then we have put our hands to work on still more string lights in what has become a traditionally haphazard way. The encircle our apartment and even double back at certain points as if we just couldn’t figure out what to do with them. Add to this the strange mix of white and colored lights without any discernible pattern and you have a measure of our style. And then there is our tree. Somehow, even though we had complete control over how it would look, this tree leans more than any I have ever had. It is not at all straight and tilts to the right pretty hard, but we love it anyway.
So there you have it. Maybe someday we will use materials that aren’t scotch tape and construction paper. Even a glue stick would be a huge boost. But this is the theme for our first apartment and it suits us well.
Hope everyone is feeling the season!
Maybe in some small way this helps. At the very least it must help your self-esteem whenever you look at your decorations. They must have had more planning than these.
Merry Christmastime
McBeth Family Thanksgiving
Hello again. Finals have come and gone (lucky me as all of my professors were of the mind to put finals the last week of class rather than during finals week) and I am back to writing. First up on the list is our trip out east, well, I guess everything is out east from here, but I’ll use East to mean ole PA.
This was our first shared major holiday. We’ve done New Years and Arbor Day, but never one of the big ones that have so many traditions attached. So Thanksgiving. Started off with a rather dismal red eye flight that will probably not be repeated. We left the apartment at 8pm and arrived at the McBeths around 3pm. Lovely. With the changeover in Houston around 4am and the millions of screaming babies, this was not one of my favorites. But we made it. Woo! Cheers abound!
Maybe its because of this flight and lack of sleep, but everything hereafter gets a little bit jumbled, so I’ll forgo a day-by-day.
Most importantly for Thanksgiving, the food. Turkey was had, but after that the field was wide open with new options. There were candied yams that involved a lot of marshmallow, baked corn, green beans with bacon, potatoes, stuffing, cranberry tube, and probably a few things I’m forgetting at the moment. There was also both pie and cake. How great is that? Also important to note is that all of these things were great as leftovers. Very crucial.
We also went out to the ever-favored german restaurant in Hagerstown for Sean’s bday, which was as fantastic as ever. True, it is my only experience with German food, but I am positive I would be let down if I tried something similar at a different place. They do food right.
We also spent a day out and about at a pretty sweet model train setup at the Hagerstown Train Room and Museum, which was pretty sweet. Their Christmas set up is pretty intricate and it took a while tracking down all of the moving pieces, finding King Kong on one of the buildings. After that we headed over to see Harry Potter.
The other big event was Thanksgivingston, which was the Saturday following at the Wilkenings’ house and is a bit of a tradition amongst Sean and his friends. More great food, some ridiculously good pies and a pumpkin cheesecake that was by far my favorite.
All in all these were very good things, fun new traditions that will take some getting used to, but are also pretty exciting.
Great times and thanks to everybody out East!