
A blog about the things I forget to tell you



I started watching Die Hard and I couldn't pay attention after the first two minutes. Something happened and I just could not help, but fixate on this minor detail. John McClane has just gotten off the airplane and is standing next to baggage claim. This gentleman standing next to him is struggling to pull his bag off the claim belt. Where this goes wrong is in its blatant use of an empty suitcase. Surely there must be someone working wardrobe nearby that could have loaned out a few shirts to fill the suitcase, but no. Let's make this poor guy off the street have to "act." Just watch from the 1:50 mark to the 2 minute mark.

I have no idea why this bothers me, or why I even noticed, but now it will not leave me alone.

Merry Christmas


  1. As someone whose entire college reputation was defined by an obsession with the screenshot of gas prices from this movie, I wholeheartedly approve.

  2. astute observation, impressed you ruled out the easy "old men can be insanely strong" explanation. the pushing down on the suitcase gives it away. surely people will remember the movie for this gaffe.
