
A blog about the things I forget to tell you


Welcome welcome

So these are the new digs. This should be home for this little bloggy for quite a while, I can't see myself switching forums again any time soon. Tumblr, among so many other problems, does not feature any sort of export function, which means all those old posts were basically copied and pasted over. If you are curious and look back through the old posts, they will look kind of rough, but I just wanted to get it all done so I can get back to writing new things.

For the moment there are just a few fellow bloggies that I follow, but they are all worth reading. I've got the Time is my Dad's retirement blog, Pickles and Bleu is Tammy's work, and Marshmallow Fights is run by Nate and hosts some of his writing and some collaborative top 25 songs lists created by family and friends. There should be new content up shortly as everyone interested can send Top Ten Movies lists to either Nate or my Dad to be posted.

Back into regular content on Friday with our reactions to the opera. Thanks for staying with me.